Potato, Po-tah-to. Evolution, Creation.


Why can’t we just call the whole thing off? What is the meaning of life? From where did we come, and what is it all for? These are questions that that have left many with a sense of wanderlust and others with mass confusion. Questions that have many banging their heads against a proverbial brick wall until their third eye begins to bleed truth, and others obsessed with big butts and deflated balls because it is easier to handle than the truth we thought would set us free.

It seems the answer to the question is as redundant as why did the chicken cross the road. Nobody ever asks how the chicken got to the road. And like this metaphoric fowl we are are just trying to get to the other side. What will we do when we do figure it out? Will it matter? Or will we realize in hindsight that the game was way more exciting than the score? What if existence is just the ebb and flow of evolution based on demonstration. Cells replacing cells. Like the waves of the sea crashing to the shore with a beginning and an end, and a continuous flow of creation, climax and after glow. One after the other. The rise and fall of humanity time after time. What if like the matrix of a wave we are just a drop in the ocean playing an evolutionary role either contributing to or countering the flow of water.

If you believe in creation then you believe that two people are responsible for procreating a mass number of people. Which would mean a very close intimate family, brothers and sisters becoming mothers and fathers, cousins becoming couples. But those are the details left unsaid, and we tell a tale in a garden of perfection until a talking snake lured the, not wicked but weak woman, into wanting what she couldn’t have. Knowledge. From two very tired people the whole earth became inhabited. Cell mutation at its finest, a human from a human. Of course if you believe in something else, you may believe that humans evolved from primates. A less seductive approach but a popular theory. Or you may believe that by some unexplainable phenomenon something sparked from something, and then something from that. And here we are. Or you may not think about it all, good for you.

We use the basic theory of energy when we need to explain things we cannot explain, we say things like bad vibes, gut feeling, intuition, deja vu. The use of these words the way I see it, is an acceptance that, what I do effects you, what you do affects me, and it is a forever changing, adapting and trans formative process of energy exchange. Perhaps we would get a get a better understanding of ourselves if instead of asking why am I here, we ask why are they here? For we cannot attract anything into our lives that we are not a vibrational match for. It is either serving as a lesson or reflection of something we need to know. It is understanding this concept that allows you to take responsibility, and in turn control of your mysterious existence. It is then that the answer to the age old question becomes as simple as we are. And the how becomes irrelevant.

There is planetary activity happening at the moment, that whether you choose to believe or not has an effect on us as humans who serve as energy conductors between heaven and earth. As above so as below. Once you understand your own human energy field with which you were born with, and how it relates to your physical reality and the continuous flow of nature, you have the power to create change. Just like magic. There are some that may be feeling heavy right now, bored, reflective, impatient, excited. As if once you realize just how powerful you are, living small becomes suffocating. Perhaps old feelings are on the rise, questions are forming, wonder is waiting. Hold on to your balls because answers are making their way to the collective consciousness.

The meaning of life is not so complicated once you understand your true spiritual nature, the very essence of who you are. The old cliché that we are just walking each other home is true, so will we walk in darkness or shine our light for others to see no matter how dull we think it is. Even the smallest of flames can create illumination when combined with other flames. There are no debates to be had, for my source is your source, and a rose by another name is still a flower. Whether you believe in resurrection or reincarnation, the outcome is the same. Either way you will get to the other side and the only hell you will be going to is the one you have already created.

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