Do You See What I See?


The Sun is good for you; stay out of the Sun. Caffeine stunts your growth you; or it could make you live longer. Eat soy; soy causes cancer. Buy a treadmill; treadmills make you fat. Take your vitamins; vitamins are useless. Sunscreen is the cure-all, I mean the kill-all solution to the reason you thought you should stay out of the Sun in the first place. Pray to God, God is in you, there is no God. Should I go on?

Why? Why can so many say, do, believe one thing, and so many others say, do believe another, and the only thing they share is the conviction they hold for their beliefs? What if just because different folks stroke a different hoax it doesn’t mean right or wrong, just different. And what if what works for me may not work for you, because although we are created equal, our energetic engineering is wired based on individual makings, from conception to confession. So in this world of self proclaimed experts and blogging bimbos how do we know what to believe, and why do we believe what another tells us without first doing our own research? For not everyone gets cancer from the Sun, and not everyone gets sick from wheat. Just like not everyone feels zen after Yoga, and no two snowflakes are the same. Why does it matter? This question of variety and diversity? Who cares?

Because we go to war over it, we divide families in honor of it, and we hate each other because of it. We blame, degrade and murder in the name of it. What if in our self righteous debates of right and wrong we have failed to see that this will only be a battle won by forfeit or sudden death? For the answer depends on who you talk to, and each will convince you why they are victorious. But what if what we are debating is just the same thing viewed through different perspectives and where one sees hatred, another sees love?

We are different, we connect in different ways to the same things. We feel the same way about different things. I love my feet tickled, maybe you hate it. So just allow me to do it my way because it is my body and it tells me what is best for it. Maybe you cannot drink caffeine, but I can. And since it is my vehicle that I must sustain for growth and development perhaps it should be my system “within” that allows me to make my own decisions and feel good about them without judgment, criticism or shame. And maybe my God doesn’t feel like your God. When I say me myself and I, I mean we, us and ours.

Perhaps if we understood our smaller differences we would have a better understanding of the bigger picture. So maybe it is OK that I don’t believe what you believe, but the fact that I believe in something offers us a reason to shake hands. Even if just to call a truce.

In the secret world of poets and prophets the theory of going “within” has been presented and thus understood by some to be an intangible expression of our spirit that most are afraid to even acknowledge. But what if the secret really was a secret? And it is not just about looking within at an empty space of time that does not even exist, but literally looking within our physical human bodies at the well designed energetic system we have been equipped with since birth. Through this internal navigational guide our soul is manifested. Your center. Your center for disease control, mission control and self control. How poetic that the very thing we search our whole lives for has been under our noses this whole time, literally.

So why do we fight? Why do we take our little annoyances out on each other? Why do we believe that my God is better than no God, and that I like bananas and well, you should too? Why can’t we just accept that to each his own and find our own tribe without convincing somebody else they are wrong? At the base of all of it is the fundamental fact that we are all connected, not because we are forced to be but because we are supposed to be, it is the nature of our existence. To be allowed the freedom of thought is your divine right, for it is your thoughts via your belief systems that create your physical reality as evident by your behavior, your choices, your feelings. And when I say yours, I mean ours. A moment of silence for some, a run for the hills for others. Or the beach, wherever you are called to.

Potato, Po-tah-to. Evolution, Creation.


Why can’t we just call the whole thing off? What is the meaning of life? From where did we come, and what is it all for? These are questions that that have left many with a sense of wanderlust and others with mass confusion. Questions that have many banging their heads against a proverbial brick wall until their third eye begins to bleed truth, and others obsessed with big butts and deflated balls because it is easier to handle than the truth we thought would set us free.

It seems the answer to the question is as redundant as why did the chicken cross the road. Nobody ever asks how the chicken got to the road. And like this metaphoric fowl we are are just trying to get to the other side. What will we do when we do figure it out? Will it matter? Or will we realize in hindsight that the game was way more exciting than the score? What if existence is just the ebb and flow of evolution based on demonstration. Cells replacing cells. Like the waves of the sea crashing to the shore with a beginning and an end, and a continuous flow of creation, climax and after glow. One after the other. The rise and fall of humanity time after time. What if like the matrix of a wave we are just a drop in the ocean playing an evolutionary role either contributing to or countering the flow of water.

If you believe in creation then you believe that two people are responsible for procreating a mass number of people. Which would mean a very close intimate family, brothers and sisters becoming mothers and fathers, cousins becoming couples. But those are the details left unsaid, and we tell a tale in a garden of perfection until a talking snake lured the, not wicked but weak woman, into wanting what she couldn’t have. Knowledge. From two very tired people the whole earth became inhabited. Cell mutation at its finest, a human from a human. Of course if you believe in something else, you may believe that humans evolved from primates. A less seductive approach but a popular theory. Or you may believe that by some unexplainable phenomenon something sparked from something, and then something from that. And here we are. Or you may not think about it all, good for you.

We use the basic theory of energy when we need to explain things we cannot explain, we say things like bad vibes, gut feeling, intuition, deja vu. The use of these words the way I see it, is an acceptance that, what I do effects you, what you do affects me, and it is a forever changing, adapting and trans formative process of energy exchange. Perhaps we would get a get a better understanding of ourselves if instead of asking why am I here, we ask why are they here? For we cannot attract anything into our lives that we are not a vibrational match for. It is either serving as a lesson or reflection of something we need to know. It is understanding this concept that allows you to take responsibility, and in turn control of your mysterious existence. It is then that the answer to the age old question becomes as simple as we are. And the how becomes irrelevant.

There is planetary activity happening at the moment, that whether you choose to believe or not has an effect on us as humans who serve as energy conductors between heaven and earth. As above so as below. Once you understand your own human energy field with which you were born with, and how it relates to your physical reality and the continuous flow of nature, you have the power to create change. Just like magic. There are some that may be feeling heavy right now, bored, reflective, impatient, excited. As if once you realize just how powerful you are, living small becomes suffocating. Perhaps old feelings are on the rise, questions are forming, wonder is waiting. Hold on to your balls because answers are making their way to the collective consciousness.

The meaning of life is not so complicated once you understand your true spiritual nature, the very essence of who you are. The old cliché that we are just walking each other home is true, so will we walk in darkness or shine our light for others to see no matter how dull we think it is. Even the smallest of flames can create illumination when combined with other flames. There are no debates to be had, for my source is your source, and a rose by another name is still a flower. Whether you believe in resurrection or reincarnation, the outcome is the same. Either way you will get to the other side and the only hell you will be going to is the one you have already created.

The Greatest Debate Ever Unknown


Science says

I just am. I am here because I exist. The logical explanation for all that there is. You needed me because things were happening. Things were being created. You came into existence. And because I existed, you needed to figure me out. You needed me so you could figure you out. There are things that are tangible that you need an explanation for. How our bodies work, how animals survive, how planets thrive, how babies become alive. You gave me a word. You named me. But before I was Science, in the beginning, I just was. I was always here. It was even you who gave me a defined meaning, so you could understand me, and you say I am knowledge. Even before there was nothing to know, I was here. I was the everything between the nothingness. I knew if you knew me you would discover your purpose, but I could never say anything. I could only give you what you needed, and if you used me like I needed to be used you would build, invent, discover, learn, evolve. I have a never ending, flow of what you defined as energy. You say that everything is energy, does that mean that I am too? And you? What am I? I once knew, because I just was.

Religion says

I am here because you created me .I am the theory you have for things you cannot understand. You needed me because thing were happening, things were being created. After you came, I came. And when we were done we took the intangible and we touched it. We named it. We took the word, and we took control. We named them and gave them stories and rules. You gave me many different names of the same name and different meanings for the same knowledge. We set boundaries, some good, some bad. We took on more names and more meanings and more boundaries, mostly bad now, still some good. We go to war, use the name in vain, isolate, segregate, irritate. We are proud, we are judgmental, we inspire fear, doubt and prejudice. I say we because I would never be able to do any of these things without you. In the beginning I was only trying to tell a story in a way that you could relate, with parables and words of wisdom. Before I was Religion, you say I just was, you defined me so you could believe that it mattered, and you say I was Spirituality. But it was you that defied your own understanding by tainting the purity of which I was intended, to help guide you. To help you understand the Science you call God.

Wake Up.


Today is my birthday and I was reminded of all the love that surrounds me. This was a gift I received today from one the lovely ladies that I work with. When she gave it to me I do not think she realized just how special this gift was to me. Although it smells beautiful and I cannot wait to douse myself with way to much of it, the words on the bottle are what seduced me the most. Wake up.

Anyone who knows me well knows that those two words roll off my tongue as poeticly as the R’s of the beautiful Peruvian woman who gave me this timely message. Ironic I know for someone who has been asleep for most of her life. But I did wake up. And there is something inside of me that feels compelled to shout it from the this metaphoric mountain top we are all standing on. Wake up. Said so many times to me throughout my life by so many people. At some point it had to sink in, only due to it’s annoying, repetitive and way too early in the morning nature. Just wake up and start your day. I now realize it was not the day that I feared, but life. How do I wake up? Why would I wake up? When in my dreams I could be anything I wanted. But soon, I was asleep even in my dreams. Wake up. Wake up. Just wake up. If there is ever a word, a thought or an idea you need to retain in this world of meme said, she said, this would be it. For when you wake up you see a different world. Just as your dream state is not the same as your perceived reality now. When the light is no longer a crack in the window but an illuminated ball of fire shining directly into the windows of your soul your two eyes close, your third one opens. And there is no blanket of anything that could shield you from what you are about to see. And life begins. Baby steps into another dimension, feeling everything for the first time. You will cry, you will stumble, you may even shit your pants. It doesn’t matter, you are learning. Learning to live from your heart which will bring you places you had always been but had been asleep in your waking world.

For those feeling slightly inquisitive right now, lost but excited, dazed or confused understand your FEELINGS are happening for a reason. Past issues may be arising, you may notice reoccurring patterns in your life, you may depressed, sad, wallowing. You may also feel a sense of excitement, anxiety, change, releasing. Your soul is waking up. It really is happening. Humans are powerful, we can heal ourselves, we have been poisoned from the food, to the doctrines of false teachers to our very own water supply. The things provided for our survival we have taken for granted, we have in the most insulting way possible drop kicked the mouth of the gift horse. We matter, each one of us. For we each hold an energy in this existence. The energy we emit is emitted into this world. It effects all of us. You matter. Even if you think you don’t. It is your choice how well you function as just another cog in the wheel. And your function is dependent on how you take care of yourself and how you use your energy. And how you take care of yourself is based on your belief systems about yourself and life. And your belief system is based on the programming you received through early development through parents, teachers, media, religion, friends, subliminal messages that somewhere along the way told you that life was anything but beautiful. When you begin to live from your heart, things change. Perceptions change. People change. And when you are no longer a vibrational match for the former things, they pass away. They are no more. You connect with nature, you feel the strength from the water, the secrets in the wind, you staying moving with the water and even the sand teaches you how to embrace life’s littlest annoyances by building castles instead of coffins.

When you accept full responsibility for every karmic trauma you may have suffered this far, you will let yourself off the hook. Just as the proud one over reacts until he finds out it was his fault and suddenly the crime is not so bad. Everything is just fine. You are nothing but a creation of your own thoughts. Such a scary thought, but not from the other side. Just wake up. Throw yourself at the mercy of your creator and surrender, call it God or Universe, it’s all the same. And then look for those carrying the light. Question everything. Leave no stone un-turned. Be prepared for answers.

In the beginning there was a Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. You were made in the image of God. You are part of the beginning. The beginning is now. You matter, wake up. Whatever you feel compelled to do, do it. Be brave. And in the moments of doubt, just remind yourself, from dust you are, to dust you will return. Star dust. Wake up.

I imagine when I wear this perfume that those who are willing, will be intoxicated by the subliminal message behind my scent. How divine.

A Time to Remember


So many of us in life go about our dictated lives, abiding by the laws and standards set upon us by society, the government, religion, the media and each other. From early on we are trained like good little humans to follow the rules, we are told how to behave, how to dress, how to speak, how to feel and the most tragic of them all, how not to think. But what happens when through the natural progression of evolution we begin to see through the tangled web we’ve weaved, and our once superficial interactions are no longer satisfying and from somewhere deep within we have a desire for something more. What do we do when we are warned by religion that the heart is weak, and guided by gurus to silence the mind? In whom ho do we trust, to which do we listen? The weak and vulnerable heart or the overbearing mind?

The answer to this lies in forgetting everything you have been taught about everything you know and sit in the silence of your own mind and the knowing of your own heart, and listen. We must acknowledge those feelings of pain we often times ignore and become calloused to because we know not feeling them would mean change. Change that could result in a different kind of Devil we just are not quite sure is better than the one we already know. But when we continue to do things that are contrary to the archaic wisdom of our heart we become confused, scattered, distracted; and the lines of communication between our heart and our brain become jumbled. We may become depressed, emotional, angry, secluded, defensive, lifeless. In order to avoid a complete shut down it is important to become aware of the warning signs, the things in our life that give us clues to our discomfort, be it a job, a relationship, a thought, a memory, or a word. For it is in the pain that we find our strength, and in the darkness of course, that we find the light. It is in the raw examination of ourselves and the embracing of our primordial desires that allow us to unleash a power that is not beyond our imagination, and we are able to do things we never thought possible.

It is no coincidence that love comes from the Heart which holds its own intuitive intelligence and it is capable of healing the most broken of spirits. It is only when the Mind surrenders and takes its guidance from its once former rival, that the truth will really set us free. It is time to listen, it’s time to remember.

Letting Go Doesn’t Have to Hurt so Hard


Letting go. From music, movies and memes, two little words that have been played out in the hearts and minds of so many people. Disney blasted it in your face in hopes you could just believe, a movie about the power of letting go, the importance of finding your way and the lesson of love. The very core of our evolution. Children love it. Adults hate it. Ironic.

The idea of letting go seems silly when you think about it. Why would we choose to hang on to something that we feel we should let go of? Why would we allow ourselves to fall victim of the can’t move on movement and wallow in our past hurts, regrets and frayed cords. Why in our logical mind can we say the words, feel like we mean it, yet somehow end up in the same curled up position lamenting over all those who have done us wrong? Past, present and future.


If you understand that most thoughts are just a habit, like biting your fingernails. Through a lifetime of programming, you have formed thoughts and beliefs, which created patterns and programs, which play out as behavior. Then you will understand that you have the power to let go of what no longer serves you, even the things we think we are addicted to. As with any addiction, letting go can be painful, growing pains, normal and natural, not a metamorphic death sentence.

Letting go is not just about letting go of the toxic people or places in our lives. Those are just a symptom of an even bigger truth, your belief system. So if you are wondering why you cannot get over the hurt of a past lover, the abuse of a trusted one, that thing someone said, dig deeper. Beyond the incident, and ask what was going on in your heart and mind that allowed this karmic whammy in the first place and what tapes have you been playing out over and over your whole life.

For a moment, take away all the things that you feel have defined who you are as a person. Take away the hurt and the words we connect to that make us feel lost. Pretend as if all those things we dwell on never happened. Then what would you be? Who would you be?

Needing to let go of something may play out in in many ways, it can be a definitive self created beast to blame and judge. It can be the fear of failing caused by the indoctrinated download that you were never good enough. Or it could be as simple of a an over compensating guilty conscience.

Take those thoughts you have when you are alone, when the glazed look of complacency rolls across your eyes, and examine them. The ones people can see, but not hear. See where they come from. Talk about them, acknowledge them, release them.

Know that everything is energy, ever changing, adapting, transforming. From your depths of your thoughts to the tip of your tongue, be willing to create new energy, transform pain into power. The only way to correct the past is to create a better future, and the only way to create a better future is to be in the moment.

Not sure how to do it? Ask, and then open yourself up to receive the answer. Watch for signs, they will be there. Begin to absorb new energy, allow the old to make its way out, only passing through for a brief moment like a sickness, purging toxins. New energy, new thoughts, new frequencies, new system. Science and spirituality dancing once again.

You’re so Cliche, You Probably Think this Post is About You


If there is one thing I love shamelessly, it is a good cliche. I love the way the roll off your tongue when your trying so hard to be the bigger person, when all you really want to do is exact your deserved revenge. And the way they haunt your conscience when you regretfully give in to the seduction of perceived human nature, and actually seek revenge. I love the mystery they hold, with just a few words formed into one inspiring sentence you have the power to change the world, offering pearls of wisdom if we dare to believe we can. You can leave a lover breathless and your enemy speechless. We carry them as weapons of mass instruction, telling us how to live and prosper. How to be the change, how to forgive and let go. How to love, how to change our thinking and what not to think. And yet, still we fumble. Not all, but you know who you are.

Have cliches become so cliché that they now represent what we wish we were rather than who we actually are. Have they lost their meaning by becoming tools of communication for those we no longer talk to? If everyone is sharing them, saying them, believing them, why isn’t the world a happier place? Why do we not have more free spirits and peace love and happiness, but rather loose lips and hypocrites?

With the parade of repetitive reminders of how easy it is to live happily ever after, why wouldn’t you want to jump on the band wagon and toot your own horn to inspire others to join the fun? If we are truly just walking each other home, shouldn’t that urge us to shine a light for others to see, instead of the blind leading the blind?

If you are a woman preaching the way a man should treat his queen, are you living that belief by the way you allow men treat you? Or are you allowing trolls to inhabit your kingdom? Do you even know what your standards are outside of a few scripted words?

If you speak of letting go, do you publicly forgive but privately stalk? Do you even know why or what you need to let go of. Is it possible that thing you think is only a symptom of the real problem?

And if you proclaim to give it to God, why are you still on your social media soap opera box? Are you emanating the judgment free persona exemplified by the essence of the son of God, or are you just judging another for sinning differently than you?

It seems to me a cliché is more than just fleeting words on a pretty picture, but a scientific phenomenon. The reason behind the why. Why should I forgive? Love? Let go? Move on? Be the change? Endure pain? Just do it? What exactly happens to my body, and my energy, my brain, my DNA, my aura, my connection to the world? It’s not just a nice idea to forgive, it is a quantum leap.

So the next time you speak, post or forward something ask yourself is kind, is it necessary, is it helpful and most important, is it true? Not to avoid being a contradiction, but in order to not be so cliché.

Confession of a Thought Junkie

I had a fear. A fear that I would become the crazy person who didn’t know it. And that at some point, what I thought was my life would only be a hallucinogenic hologram observed behind padded walls and a mask of insanity. What I had failed to see, but in hind sight see with a clarity so sharp and transparent, was that there was no becoming. I was that crazy person, and I didn’t know it. But not in the way that I had expected. I always thought my destiny of a jacket bound with shackles would come from my weak heart, my wicked mind and my restless soul. No, my crazy was in the form of masked delusion, always trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Attempting to fit the mold society had so cleverly sculpted. Even though at times I could cram the sharp pointy edges forcefully into the smooth round hole, eventually it would pop out of alignment. Until one day I threw away the peg and just jumped heart first into the hole. The rabbit hole.

The things I have discovered led me on a path of liberating destruction, and my destruction led to my creation. I dared to ask why. And more than asking, I dared to know the answer. I begged for it. As if life seemed meaningless if I could not master the meaning. If everything happens for a reason, then what is the reason? Is this some sort of karmic joke? Is there a reason for everything happening in our lives but it is a secret only learned after it is too late? Is this the elusive holy grail? The very best scavenger hunt ever played? Somebody knows the reason. I want to know too.

The thoughts I share may not appeal to everyone, although I try to be diverse knowing that variety is the spice of life. They are divine thoughts, which only means from the heart. What I say may no have no bearing on your life. And that is OK. I am reaching for those brave enough to ask why, and crazy enough to stick around for the answer. I am that crazy person, and I know it.

I am a thought junkie. And I’ve realized the only cure for this mental masturbation is to share them in hopes to inspire others to lift the veil of illusion that blinds our intelligence, and kiss the bride of Frankenstein. See the truth, the whole truth, the ugly truth. You are a being of nature, you are part of the Eco System that sustains Mother Earth. Everything you do good, bad and indifferent has a direct effect on your life and everything around you. And every feeling you are courageous enough to feel is an indicator as to who you are and what will happen next. Find out how you thrive, find your tribe, know yourself, trust yourself, believe in yourself, love yourself. Concepts uttered on every social media page but rarely understood.

Of course everything happens for a reason. You are the reason.

Say a Little Prayer for Me

Such a lost art prayer is. In this day of free thinkers and religious abomination have we decided that it plays no part in our lives? After all if it is only by a chemical explosion that we even exist, to whom are we even talking to when we bow our heads at night? Have we boycotted prayer in the name of self reliance and feel it is only those who do not believe in themselves that need something as co dependent as prayer? Has religion left such a bad taste in our mouth that we now associate our connection to any sort of God to be perverse and unnatural? Have we suffered so much hurt and disappointment in our lives to make us believe that there could not possibly be such a cruel and callous deity.

Prayer according to Webster is “a petition to God or a god in word or thought”. As well as “an earnest request or wish”. Well what if I don’t believe in a “God”? Does this mean I am not deserved of granted wishes? Are miracles only afforded to those who beg on bended knee? Or is the fact that the actual definition of God is a “spirit or being who can affect the lives of others” proof that anything in this Universe could be my God? If a spirit is just energy, wouldn’t I as an energetic spiritual being be able to assign that energy to anything I consider a powerful force in my life? Even if it is myself? Could it be the trees and the rivers and the mountains? Could it be the sun and the moon and the stars? Could it be Jesus? Could it be whatever it is I find my strength and fortitude in? Because when I pray I create an energy that connects to a source that no matter what we want to call it, in the end is the same. So does it matter?

In the big debate of Science vs. Creation have we lost sight of what is important? Not who is right or wrong, but that we are all connected in our miniscule existence and perhaps we should be praying for one another. For it is in prayer that we let go, express gratitude, feel compassion, lessen our burden and receive love. If you prefer to call it by any other name it does not change the power it holds, so do what feels comfortable for you and not what someone else has told you. It is through prayer we connect to our source, and it is through humble petitions and silent reflection that we receive the answers we are searching for, which have always been inside us anyway. Weird.

All the World is a Stage


Shakespeare wrote about it, Elvis sang about it and most people only dream about it. Bigger than Broadway and better than the box office, the world is your stage for you to give the performance of a lifetime. If most of us would call cut in our current production we would find that, not only are we not going to win best motion picture anytime soon, but that we are producing a downright flop.

Notice how in the movies things seem to work out perfectly, good or bad the scenes play out with concurrent flow and the right thing always seems to happen at the right time. You as the observer see the creepy man lurking in the shadows, the missed phone call or the opportunity that slipped away. You get a glimpse inside the mind of the actor and see how the thoughts he is having ties into the serendipitous moments that seem so beautifully scripted. And in the end you connect the dots of what seemed to be meaningless moments, and you realize that the redundant trip to the convenient store was actually the quantum moment involving a coincidental connection that lead to the surprise ending. If only the actor had seen it sooner, if only he had heard that song playing in the background, had that important conversation or remembered the name of the cashier. If only he saw the signs, maybe, just maybe it would have a happier ending. Or maybe he did, and it was a movie filled with adventure and miraculous miracles that just left you feeling good. But even if he didn’t, you did, you had a fly-on-the-walls eye view and could see every pivotal event as it played out. The zoom of the lens on the shadow lurker, the audio focus on the song playing in the background, you saw the girl that got away. And you cursed the actor for being so blind, deaf and dumb.

If you were to watch your made for TV movie right now, what would it look like? Who is your supporting cast? Are you creating a well written love story, a heart wrenching drama, a tear jerking comedy? Are you living out your very own fairytale or would your movie fair better on Lifetime for women?


In order for a movie to be considered a success it needs to have some key elements such as a well written script, an interesting plot, a star studded cast, good direction and an end result. Whether it is raw emotion, gut wrenching fear, love or enlightenment a good movie will make you feel something. So grab your popcorn and start watching your movie, reflect on the scenes, even the gratuitous ones, pay attention to the details you may have missed as the actor that led you to the road you are on now, knowing they were there to be discovered all along. Determine why your audience isn’t responding the way you would like and rewrite your script on purpose. And even though you cannot script every line and sometimes those unexpected twists and turns put us right smack in the middle of heart breaking drama when we wanted a light hearted comedy, remember you are also the director and every cloud has a silver lining and your attitude and fortitude make all the difference in the world. Just like with any movie worth watching those unexpected plot twists are what keep the audience enthralled. So, throw in some dramatic scenes where you kill off lackluster cast members, not literally of course, add some adventure, a little romance if you like, and embrace the heart break. Everyone loves a good tear jerker, especially if it has a happy ending. Maybe you are a first
time screen writer and are bound to have a few flops under your belt before you create your blockbuster, or maybe you are writing a sequel. Just do something Hollywood doesn’t do, make it better than the first.

Even if you don’t know at the moment which genre best fits your life, start rolling anyway, call Action. Stop playing small parts and step in your award winning role as yourself even if you think it has been done a million times over. Put together your stellar supporting cast and remember starting from the bottom makes for one hell of a success story. And know that even if your not slaying dragons or saving the world, you have an opportunity to make every scene count. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience, which will most likely be the ones you either bore or inspire in your old age and ask, what is going to make for a better storyline? Predictable nine to fiver trying to fit the mold of society, blinding tripping from paycheck to paycheck believing there is nothing more to life than living to die? Or the reformed conformist who packs her flips flops and lip gloss and heads for the hills of Spain with 20.00 in her pocket just to touch the robe of Saint James? Everywhere she goes, she hears the song, she sees the sign, she has that conversation and she remembers that name. Because she wants the kind of ending that gives you goosebumps, the kind that makes you believe in magic. The one where hearts are touched by the kindness of a stranger and tears are shared on willing shoulders, the one that connects the dots and souls before it is too late, the one that is worthy of a sequel. Such an overdone generic movie plot isn’t it? Maybe for Hollywood, but not for me.